HP 37717C communications
performance analyzer
New dual
and DS1/DS3
Configuration guide
Effective from February 1998
New capabilit y
Dual st andar d SONET/SDH
DS1, DS3 int er faces
STS-1, STS-3 elect r ical
OC-1, OC-3, OC-12 opt ical
OC-12c and STM-4c
STM-0, STM-1, STM-4 opt ical
Pr ot ect ion swit ch t imes
Int r oduct ion
Your choice of t est capabilit y
The HP 37717C communications performance analyzer supports
comprehensive functional test and jitter capability to help you test
your PDH/DSn, SONET/SDH and ATM networks or network
equipment. The analyzer comprises a mainframe with large color
display and integral floppy disk drive, optional 80-column graphics
printer, and includes power cord and operating manuals. You add
the test capability you require by selecting from the optional test
To meet your specific test needs, just order the capability you
require. Simply order the HP 37717C analyzer and choose the
application orientated options you require, from the tables in the
pages that follow. Remember, you can configure your analyzer to
simultaneously include PDH/DSn, SONET/SDH, ATM and jitter, or
you can configure it to contain PDH/DSn only, SDH only, SONET/
SDH only, ATM only or almost any combination.
HP 37717C communicat ions
per for mance analyzer
with color display, floppy disk
drive as standard and optional
integrated printer.
All the power you need for
comprehensive performance
Select optional PDH/DSn, SONET/SDH, ATM cell layer, ATM services
and jitter modules from an expanding range of options:
● ATM services layer testing with/without native LAN connectivity
● ATM cell layer generation and measurement
● SONET/SDH electrical interfaces
● SONET/SDH optical interfaces (1310 and 1550 nm)
● SONET/SDH binary interfaces
● PDH and SDH jitter/wander Tx and Rx
● DSn testing (DS1, DS3, E1, E3 structured)
● Multiple PDH outputs
● PDH testing (704 kb/s to 140 Mb/s)
● PDH binary interfaces with external clock input
● Printer/remote interfaces
● Graphics printer.
Example configurat ions
1. STM-4o/STM-1o plus jitter
1. PDH/DSn and ATM test and interfaces option UKJ
Example user r equir ement s
2. SONET/SDH test and interfaces option
3. Wander and jitter generation option
4. Wander and jitter measurement option
5. ATM services layer test option
6. PDH binary interfaces option
● PDH (2, 8, 34, 140 Mb/s) – mux/demux capability
● STM-1e (155 Mb/s) electrical interfaces
● STM-4o/STM-1o (1310 nm) optical interfaces
● Optical power measurement
7. Optical interfaces option
● Jitter and wander generation
8. SONET/SDH binary interfaces option
9. Multiple PDH interfaces option
● Jitter measurement (at all above interface rates)
● Graphics printer
10. Remote-control/external-printer
interfaces option
● FC/PC optical adapters.
11. Printer option
12. Optical adaptor option
2. ATM services and jitter
1. PDH/DSn and ATM test and interfaces option UKZ
Example user r equir ement s
2. SONET/SDH test and interfaces option
3. Wander and jitter generation option
4. Wander and jitter measurement option
5. ATM services layer test option
6. PDH binary interfaces option
● STM-1/OC-3c optical interfaces (1310 nm)
● DS1, DS3, E1, E3, STM-1e electrical interfaces
● ATM cell layer testing
● ATM Channel View, rate history, graphical CDV
● Jitter and wander generation (E1, E3, STM-1)
● Jitter measurement (E1, E3, STM-1)
● Screen dumps to printer
7. Optical interfaces option
8. SONET/SDH binary interfaces option
9. Multiple PDH interfaces option
10. Remote-control/external-printer
interfaces option
● LAN remote control
● FC/PC optical adapters.
11. Printer option
12. Optical adaptor option
3. OC-12c, DS3 structured, HP-IB
1. PDH/DSn and ATM test and interfaces option
2. SONET/SDH test and interfaces option
3. Wander and jitter generation option
4. Wander and jitter measurement option
5. ATM services layer test option
6. PDH binary interfaces option
Example user r equir ement s
● PDH (DS1, DS3, E1, E3) – mux/demux capability
● STS-1/STS-3 (52/155 Mb/s) electrical interfaces
● OC-12c (for clear channel testing)
● OC-12c/OC-3/OC-1 (1310 nm) optical interfaces
● Optical power measurement.
7. Optical interfaces option
8. SDH binary interfaces option
● RS-232-C/HP-IB remote control
9. Multiple PDH interfaces option
● Remote PC operation
(needs HP E4540A distributed network analyzer
10. Remote-control/external-printer
interfaces option
11. Printer option
● FC/PC optical adapters.
12. Optical adaptor option
Distributed network analyzer firmware
Configuring t he HP 37717C
communicat ions performance analyzer
There are reserved slots for optical interfacing and remote-control
modules. In addition, you have a maximum of eight user-
configurable slots to add PDH/DSn, SONET/SDH, ATM and jitter
capability. Ensure that the number of slots used does not exceed
1 2
5 6
St ep 1
St ep 2
Review sections 1 to 12 in the following pages to determine the
capability you require. In each section, select one option as required
and tick the option box.
Enter the option code and slots used in the table below. Confirm
slots used does not exceed eight slots.
Opt ion No. of Slot s
slot s
1. PDH/DSn and ATM test
and interfaces option
2. SONET/SDH test and interfaces option
3. Wander and jitter generation option
4. Wander and jitter measurement option
5. ATM services layer test option
6. PDH binary interfaces option
1 or 2
1 or 2
7. Optical interfaces option
8. SONET/SDH binary interfaces option
9. Multiple PDH interfaces option
10. Remote-control/external-printer
interfaces option
11. Printer option
12. Optical adaptor options
Tot al number of slot s used
St ep 3
Check that you have specified both test and interfacing for all
required capabilities.
Your local HP sales representative will be happy to help you
configure the HP 37717C analyzer to match your specific needs.
Module int erworking sect ion
The following three tables indicate which modules are capable of networking with
each other. Choose one from each category (if required)†
PDH/SDH and ATM cell layer suppor t ed configur at ions
J it t er , wander and slips
t est ing – gener at ion
PDH/ATM cell t est
and PDH int er faces
STM-0e/STM-1e t est
and int er faces
Opt ical
int er faces
Opt ion A3K
PDH and SDH jitter and
wander generation.
Page 9
Opt ion UKK
Page 8
Unstructured PDH: 0.7, 2, 8,
34 and 140 Mb/s.
Opt ion A3R
Page 8
STM-0e (52 Mb/s) and STM-1e
(155 Mb/s) electrical
Opt ion UH1
155 Mb/s (1310 nm).
Page 10
Opt ion 130
Page 10
interface: STM-0/STM-1
overhead access, thru mode
and pointer sequences ,
TU-12, TU-2, VC-3 and VC-4
Opt ion 140
PDH and SDH jitter
Page 9
Opt ion UKJ
Structured PDH: 2, 8, 34 and
140 Mb/s.
Page 8
622/155/52 Mb/s (1310 and
1550 nm), optical power
Opt ion UKN
Page 8
Opt ion 131
622/155/52 Mb/s (1310 nm),
optical power measurement.
Page 10
J it t er , wander and slips
t est ing – measur ement
ATM cell: 2, 34 and 140 Mb/s
(includes all capability of
option UKJ).
Opt ion UHN
PDH jitter measurement: 2, 8,
34 and 140 Mb/s.
Page 9
Opt ion 0YH†
Page 10
Opt ion UH3†
Page 9
622/155/52 Mb/s binary (NRZ)
interfaces. Must also order
option 130 or 131.
Binary (NRZ) clock and data
plus external clock input.
Must also order option UKK,
Opt ion A3L
Page 9
STM-1e line and PDH jitter
measurement: 2, 8, 34, 140
and 155 Mb/s.
Opt ion UHC†
Page 11
Opt ion A3V
Page 9
Three additional 2, 8, 34 and
140 Mb/s outputs. Must also
order option UKK, UKJ or
STM-1o, STM-1e line and PDH
jitter measurement: 2, 8, 34,
140 Mb/s and 155 Mb/s.
Opt ion A3N
Page 9
STM-4o, STM-1o, STM-1e line
and PDH jitter measurement:
2, 8, 34, 140 Mb/s, 155 Mb/s
and 622 Mb/s.
Dual st andar d SONET/SDH and DSn/PDH suppor t ed configur at ions
PDH/DSn int er faces
t est and int er faces
Opt ical
int er faces
J it t er , wander and slips
t est ing – gener at ion*
Opt ion 110
Page 8
Structured PDH: DS1, DS3,
E1, E3.
Opt ion 120
Page 8
Opt ion UH1
155 Mb/s (1310 nm).
Page 10
Opt ion A3K
PDH, 155 Mb/s, 622 Mb/s
jitter and wander generation.
Page 9
STS-1/STM-0e (52 Mb/s) and
STS-3/STM-1e (155 Mb/s)
electrical interface:
Overhead access, thru mode
and pointer sequences.
VT1.5/TU-11, VT2/TU-12,
VT6/TU-2, VC-3/STS-1 SPE
and VC-4/STS-3c SPE
Opt ion 130
Page 10
Opt ion UKK
Unstructured PDH: 0.7, 2, 8,
34 and 140 Mb/s.
Page 8
622/155/52 Mb/s optical
interface (1310 and
1550 nm), optical power
Opt ion 140
As option A3K, but without
wander generation.
Page 9
Opt ion UKJ
Structured PDH: 2, 8, 34 and
140 Mb/s.
Page 8
J it t er , wander and slips
t est ing – measur ement *
Opt ion 131
Page 10
622/155/52 Mb/s optical
interface (1310 nm), optical
power measurement.
Opt ion UHN
PDH jitter measurement.
Page 9
Opt ion UKN
Page 8
ATM cell: 2, 34 and 140 Mb/s
(includes all capability of
option UKJ).
Opt ion A3L
155 Mb/s electrical and PDH
jitter measurement.
Page 9
Opt ion 0YH†
Page 10
622/155/52 Mb/s binary
(NRZ) interfaces. Must also
order option 130 or 131.
Opt ion UH3†
Page 9
Binary (NRZ) clock and data
plus external clock input.
Must also order option UKK,
UKJ, UKN or 110.
Opt ion A3V
155 Mb/s optical, electrical
and PDH jitter measurement.
Page 9
Opt ion A3N
Page 9
622 Mb/s and 155 Mb/s
optical, electrical and PDH
jitter measurement.
Br oadband ATM ser vices suppor t ed configur at ions
J it t er , wander and slips
t est ing – gener at ion*
ATM cell t est
int er faces
STM-1e t est
and int er faces
Opt ical
int er faces
Opt ion UKN1
Page 8
Opt ion A1T
Page 8
Opt ion UH1
Page 10
Opt ion A3K
Page 9
PDH, 155 Mb/s, 622 Mb/s
jitter and wander generation.
ATM cell generation and
analysis: 2, 34 and 140 Mb/s
(includes all capability of
option UKJ structured PDH).
STM-1e (155 Mb/s) electrical
interface. Overhead access,
thru mode and pointer
sequences. TU-12, TU-2, VC-3
and VC-4 mappings.
(Provides STM-1o output
when option UKN and optical
interface option are selected.
STM-1o and OC-3c are
provided when option UKZ
and an optical interface
option are selected).
155 Mb/s (1310 nm).
Opt ion USN
Page 10
Opt ion 140
Page 9
622/155 Mb/s (1310 and
1550 nm), optical power
As option A3K but without
wander generation.
Opt ion UKZ2
Page 8
Generation and measurement
of ATM payloads: 1.544 (DS1),
44.736 (DS3), 2.048 (E1) and
34.368 (E3) Mb/s.
Opt ion UKT
Page 10
J it t er , wander and slips
t est ing – measur ement *
622/155 Mb/s (1310 nm),
optical power measurement.
Opt ion UHN
Page 9
PDH jitter measurement.
Opt ion A3L
Page 9
155 Mb/s electrical and PDH
jitter measurement.
ATM ser vices
layer t est
Opt ion A3V
155 Mb/s optical, electrical
and PDH jitter measurement.
Page 9
Opt ion 0YK
Page 9
Adds Channel View, graphical
display of CDV, AAL analysis,
rate history, benchmark traffic
generation. Must also order
option UKN or UKZ,
Opt ion A3N
622 Mb/s, 155 Mb/s optical,
electrical and PDH jitter.
Page 9
Opt ion USL
Page 9
Adds Ethernet LAN
connectivity testing plus all
features of option 0YK. Must
also order option UKN or UKZ.
† Where specified two modules may be ordered from certain categories (ie. UH3, UHC, 0YH).
* NB Jitter generation and measurement does not include DS1, DS3 and 52 Mb/s. PDH jitter depends on options fitted.
If option UKK/UKJ/UKN fitted then PDH jitter generation and measurement is provided at E1/E2/E3/E4.
If option 110 fitted then PDH jitter generation and measurement capability is provided at E1 and E3. 622 Mb/s
and 155 Mb/s jitter presented in ITU-T terminology as is specified in the HP 37717B/C communications performance
analyzer technical specifications (publication number 5966-0892E).
For compliance to Bellcore standards, please contact you local Hewlett-Packard representative for details.
Please cont act your local sales
office if you require module
int erworking capabilit y not
specified here.
All modules work wit h UKX
( print er) , A3B/A3D ( remot e
cont rol) and USS ( dist ribut ed
net work analyzer soft ware) .
Opt ion
No of
slot s
1. PDH/DSn and ATM t est and int er faces opt ions
Choose one option (if required). All options provide PDH interfaces and
PDH test capability.
● Unstructured PDH testing: 0.7, 2, 8, 34 and 140 Mb/s interfaces plus an error output. ................. UKK
● Structured PDH testing: 2, 8, 34 and 140 Mb/s interfaces (64 kb/s and n × 64 kb/s testing). ......... UKJ
● ATM cell generation and analysis: 2, 34 and 140 Mb/s interfaces† ...................................................... UKN
– includes all capability of option UKJ (structured PDH testing).
● Structured DSn/PDH testing: DS1, DS3, E1 and E3 interfaces ............................................................... 110
(64 kb/s, 56 kb/s, n x 64 kb/s and n x 56 kb/s testing)
● ATM cell generation and analysis: DS1, DS3, E1 and E3 interfaces ................................................... UKZ*
(equivalent to 1.5 Mb/s, 45 Mb/s, 2 Mb/s, 34 Mb/s)‡.
† If you need ATM cell generation and analysis at STM-1, then also order STM-0e/STM-1e
option A3R (section 2).
‡ If you need OC-3c, then also order STM-1e option A1T (section 2) and appropriate
optical interfaces and adaptor options (sections 7 and 12).
* Option UKZ does not support option A3R or 120 at present.
Please refer to module interworking section (pages 6 and 7).
Opt ion
No of
slot s
2. SONET/SDH t est and int er faces opt ions
Choose one option (if required). These options provide SDH electrical interfacing
and SDH test capability.
● SDH test module: STM-0e (52 Mb/s) and STM-1e (155 Mb/s) electrical interfaces, ........................ A3R*
STM-0/STM-1 overhead access,thru mode and pointer sequence generation, TU-12,
TU-2, VC-3 and VC-4 mappings plus frequency offset generation, alarm and error
generation/detection plus an error output, SDH alarm and BIP scan, tributary scan
and protection switch times.
● SONET/SDH test module: STS-1/STM-0e (52 Mb/s) and STS-3/STM-1e (155 Mb/s) .......................... 120†
electrical interfaces, overhead access,thru mode and pointer sequence
generation, VT1.5/TU-11, VT2/TU-12, VT6/TU-2, STS-1/VC-3 SPE and STS-3c/VC-4 SPE
mappings plus frequency offset generation, alarm and error generation/detection
plus an error output, offset generation and BIP scan, tributary scan and protection switch times
plus frequency and BIP scan.
* Option A3R does not support option UKZ at present.
Please refer to module interworking section (pages 6 and 7).
† Option 120 does not support option UKZ and UHC at present.
Please refer to module interworking section (pages 6 and 7).
STM-1e (155 Mb/s) electrical interface: As per option A3R but without ..................................... A1T
STM-0e (52 Mb/s)capability, and without an error output.
Opt ion
No of
slot s
3. Wander and jit t er gener at ion opt ions
Choose on option (if required). For PDH jitter generation, also order PDH/DSn
option (section 1). For SDH jitter generation, also order SONET/SDH option (section 2)
plus appropriate optical interfaces and adaptor options (sections 7 and 12).
● PDH jitter generation: 2, 8, 34 and 140 Mb/s up to 80 UI (2 Mb/s). ....................................................... 140†
SDH jitter generation: STM-1 (155 Mb/s) and STM-4 (622 Mb/s) up to 200 UI (STM-4).
● All the capability of option 140 plus wander generation: 2 Mb/s, STM-1 (155 Mb/s) ....................... A3K
and STM-4 (622 Mb/s) up to 14400 UI (STM-4).
† 8 and 140 Mb/s jitter generation requires a PDH option with 8 and 140 Mb/s
interface to be fitted
Opt ion
No of
slot s
4. Wander and jit t er measur ement opt ions
Choose one option (if required). If you need PDH jitter
measurement then also order PDH/DSn interface option (section 1).
● PDH (tributary) jitter and wander measurement: 2, 8, 34, 140 Mb/s, with HP1, HP2 and............... UHN
LP filters to ITU-T O.171 plus 2 Mb/s wander and estimated frame slip measurement.
● STM-1e line jitter and PDH (tributary) jitter; rms, peak-to-peak, auto jitter transfer ...................... A3L
and wander measurement: 155 Mb/s electrical interface with HP1, HP2, LP and 12 kHz HP
filters to ITU-T O.171/G.825.
● STM-1o/STM-1e, plus all the capability of option A3L. ............................................................................. A3V
● STM-4o/STM-1o/STM-1e, plus all the capability of option A3L. ............................................................ A3N
† 8 and 140 Mb/s jitter measurement requires a PDH option with 8 and 140 Mb/s
interface to be fitted
Opt ion
No of
slot s
5. ATM ser vices layer t est opt ions
Choose one option (if required). As these modules use the interfacing provided by a
PDH/DSn and ATM test option, must also order ATM option UKN or UKZ (section 1).
● Provides ATM and AAL capabilities including Channel View, rate history,....................................... 0YK†
graphical CDV, benchmark traffic.
● As per option 0YK (but occupying two slots) plus native Ethernet LAN .......................................... USL†
connectivity tests.
† Option 0YK and USL do not support options A3R and 120 at present.
Please refer to module interworking section (pages 6 and 7).
Opt ion
No of
slot s
6. PDH binar y int er faces opt ions
Choose one option (if required). Must also order a PDH and ATM test option (section 1).
(Option UH3 does not support options UKZ, 0YK or USL at present.)
● PDH NRZ interfaces: Adds binary Tx clock and data, binary Rx clock and data, ........................... UH3†
plus external clock input.
● PDH synthesized BER testing bundle : Includes UH3 (binary clock and data), ................................ 200
UKK (unstructured BER module) and HP 8647A synthesizer.
† Option UH3 does not support options UKZ, 0YK and USL at present.
Please refer to module interworking section (pages 6 and 7).
Opt ion
7. Opt ical int er faces opt ions
Choose one option (if required). All optical interfaces receive at 1310 and
1550 nm.
Provides optical interfaces. Must also order STM-0e/STM-1e option A3R (section 2),
and appropriate optical adaptor options (section 12).
STM-1 opt ical int er faces only (for testing STM-1 only)*
● 155 Mb/s optical interface: 1310 nm, −9 dBm output............................................................................... UH1
STM-4/OC-12c t est and opt ical int er faces
Provides optical interfaces, plus optical power measurement and STM-4 test
functionality, ie, for STM-4 overhead access. Must also order 52/155 Mb/s
option A3R or 120 (section 2), and appropriate optical adaptor options (section 12).
● 622/155/52 Mb/s optical interfaces: Dual wavelength at 1310 nm, −10 dBm ...................................... 130†
output plus 1550 nm, −1 dBm output; includes STM-4/OC-12c, overhead access,
thru mode and optical power measurement.
● 622/155/52 Mb/s optical interfaces: 1310 nm, −10 dBm output; includes ........................................... 131†
STM-4c/OC-12c, overhead access, thru mode and optical power measurement.
† Option 130/131 does not support option UKZ at present.
Please refer to module interworking section (pages 6 and 7).
STM-4 test and optical interfaces
Provides optical interfaces. Must also order STM-1e option A1T (section 2),
and appropriate optical adaptor options (section 12).
622/155 Mb/s optical interfaces: Dual wavelength at 1310 nm, 1550 nm ...................................... USN*
−10 dBm output plus 1550 nm, −1 dBm output; includes overhead access,
thru mode and optical power measurement.
622/155 Mb/s optical interfaces: 1310 nm, −10 dBm output;........................................................... UKT*
includes overhead access, thru mode and optical power measurement
(easily upgradeable to dual wavelength).
* Available with ATM options 0YK, USL, UKZ only. When option UKZ (and A1T)
are present, these interfaces also provide OC-3c capability.
Opt ion
No of
slot s
Tick if
r equir ed
8. SONET/SDH binar y int er faces opt ion
Choose if required. Must also order STM-4 test and optical interfaces
option 130 or 131 (section 7).
● 622/155 Mb/s NRZ interfaces. 50 ohm ECL Tx data and Tx clock outputs, plus................................ 0YH
Rx data and Rx clock inputs.
Opt ion
No of
slot s
Tick if
r equir ed
9. Mult iple PDH int er faces opt ion
Choose if required. Must also order a PDH and ATM test and interface option
UKK, UKJ or UKN (section 1).
● Three additional 2, 8, 34 and 140 Mb/s outputs. ......................................................................................... UHC
Opt ion
10. Remot e-cont r ol/ext er nal-pr int er int er faces opt ions
Choose one option (if required).
● RS-232-C and HP-IB remote-control/external-printer interfaces. ......................................................... A3D
● LAN remote control, RS-232-C and HP-IB remote-control/external-printer interfaces. ..................A3B
Opt ion
Tick if
r equir ed
11. Pr int er opt ion
Choose if required.
● Integrated, full-width, 80-column graphics printer (for printing of graphics, ................................... UKX
Uses lid
results and screen dumps).
Opt ion
Tick as
r equir ed
12. Opt ical adapt or opt ions
If specifying an SDH optical interface and/or wander and jitter measurements,
choose the connector adaptor type(s) to suit your particular requirements:
● FC/PC ................................................................................................................................................................... UH4
● DIN47526 ............................................................................................................................................................. UH5
● ST .......................................................................................................................................................................... UH6
● Biconic ................................................................................................................................................................. UH7
● NEC D4 ................................................................................................................................................................ UH8
● SC .......................................................................................................................................................................... UKP
● HMS-10/HP .......................................................................................................................................................... UKQ
Opt ion
Tick if
r equir ed
13. DNA
Choose if required. Must also order a remote-control/external printer interface
(see section 10).
● Allows the instrument to be used with HP E4540A distributed network analyzer ...........................USS
software* for Windows®. Software allows remote, interactive control for
centralized testing.
* For full details of centralized testing using the HP 37717C analyzer and other
telecom testers from HP, please ask your local HP representative for
brochure 5964-2240E (distributed network analyzer software).
Ot her opt ions and accessories
For more information about Hewlett-
Packard test & measurement products,
applications, services, and for a current
sales office listing, visit our web site,
contact one of the following centers and
ask for a test and measurement sales
Opt ical coupler
Gr aphics pr int er paper
HP15744A: Optical coupler.*
Pr int er paper : Part number 9270-1360.
*Order the appropriate option. For full
details of the HP 15744A optical
coupler, please ask your local HP
representative for a brochure.
The optical coupler and graphics
printer (option UKX) cannot both be
fitted at the same time.
Warrant y
3-year warranty as standard.
United States:
Hewlett-Packard Company
Test and Measurement Call Center
P.O. Box 4026
Englewood, CO 80155-4026
1 800 452 4844
Manuals and calibr at ion
cer t ificat e
HP 15722A: Telephone handset for
options UKJ or UKN.
Opt ion AVA: Calibration manual.
Opt ion OB2: One additional operating
Opt ion OBF: One additional remote
operation manual.
Hewlett-Packard Canada Ltd.
5150 Spectrum Way
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 5G1
Fiber opt ic cable
HP E4545A: 3 m fiber optic cable
(FC/PC connectors).
Opt ion UK6: Calibration certificate.
(905) 206 4725
St andar ds confor mance
European Marketing Centre
P. O. Box 999
1180 AZ Amstelveen
The Netherlands
(31 20) 547 9900
Car r ying cases and r ack
mount kit
CE mar k:* The HP 37717C
communications performance analyzer
has full CE mark compliance and meets
the following standards:
HP 15910B: Soft, vinyl carrying case.
HP 15772B: Hard, robust transit case.
HP 15770A: Rack mount kit.
J apan:
● ESD/mains fast transients/radiated
susceptibility: meets EN50082-1 (1991).
● Radiation emissions/conducted
emissions: meets EN55011 (1991).
Hewlett-Packard Japan Ltd.
Measurement Assistance Center
9-1, Takakura-Cho, Hachioji-Shi
Tokyo 192, Japan
HP 15777C upgr ade kit
Enhance the capabilities of the
HP 37717C analyzer at a later date.
To order HP 15777C upgrade kit options,
contact your local HP sales
Tel: (81) 426 56-7832
Fax: (81) 426 56-7840
Pr oduct safet y: The HP 37717C
communications performance analyzer
meets the following safety standards:
Latin America:
● IEC 348/EN61010.
Latin American Region Headquarters
5200 Blue Lagoon Drive
9th Floor
Miami, Florida 33126
* All products sold in EC and ETSI
countries must have the CE mark.
(305) 267 4245/4220
Fax: (305) 267-4288
Australia/New Zealand:
Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd.
31-41 Joseph Street
Blackburn, Victoria 3130
Tel: 1 800 629 485 (Australia)
Tel: (0800) 738 378 (New Zealand)
Fax: (61 3) 9210 5489
Asia Pacific:
Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Ltd.
17-21/F Shell Tower, Times Square
1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2599 7777
Fax: (852) 2506 9285
MS Windows is a US trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
HP manufactures the HP 37717C communications performance analyzer under
a quality system approved to the international standard ISO 9001 plus TickIT
(BSI Registration Certificate No FM 10987).
© Hewlett-Packard Limited 1997
Printed in USA
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5966-4163E (02/98)
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